Create a Text Editor in Python | Creating a text-editor in Python using tkinter


Create a Text Editor in Python

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a text editor like notepad in Python.

Text editor is a very useful and important tool for any programmer. It is helpful in development of software in any languages. We are already familiar with text editors like Notepad, VS Code, Sublime text etc. all these are very helpful and usable.

So in this tutorial, we will be learning how to create a simple text editor using Python Programming Language. In this, we will be using the Tkinter library and two additional modules supported by Tkinter, ‘MessageBox’ and ‘FileDialog’ for providing some additional functionality to our editor.

So lets get familiar with these modules:

  • Tkinter – This is one of the most Powerful, Widely Used and Platform Independent library available in Python for creating seamless and nice-looking GUI applications, it is very easy to use and understand different widgets provided by Tkinter. We are using this library for creating the gui look for our editor.
  • Message Box– This module provides the template classes and a variety of inbuilt functions for alerting the user, these message boxes can be an info message, an error message or ask yes/no message.
  • FileDialog – This module provides the classes and inbuilt functions for creating file or directory selection windows. This is used when we want to save or open any created file using tkinter.

Creating Text Editor Using Python

Installing the Libraries:
    Well in Windows when we install Python then this tkinter library comes inbuilt and thus we dont have to install it. But still if you dont have this library installed then type the following command in the terminal.

pip install tkinter
All the other modules 'File Dialog' & 'Message Box' come hand-in-hand with the tkinter module.


# Importing Required libraries & Modules
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog

# Defining TextEditor Class
class TextEditor:

  # Defining Constructor
  def __init__(self,root):
    # Assigning root
    self.root = root
    # Title of the window
    self.root.title("TEXT EDITOR")
    # Window Geometry
    # Initializing filename
    self.filename = None
    # Declaring Title variable
    self.title = StringVar()
    # Declaring Status variable
    self.status = StringVar()

    # Creating Titlebar
    self.titlebar = Label(self.root,textvariable=self.title,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),bd=2,relief=GROOVE)
    # Packing Titlebar to root window
    # Calling Settitle Function

    # Creating Statusbar
    self.statusbar = Label(self.root,textvariable=self.status,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),bd=2,relief=GROOVE)
    # Packing status bar to root window
    # Initializing Status
    self.status.set("Welcome To Text Editor")

    # Creating Menubar
    self.menubar = Menu(self.root,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue")
    # Configuring menubar on root window

    # Creating File Menu
    self.filemenu = Menu(self.menubar,font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue",tearoff=0)
    # Adding New file Command
    # Adding Open file Command
    # Adding Save File Command
    # Adding Save As file Command
    self.filemenu.add_command(label="Save As",accelerator="Ctrl+A",command=self.saveasfile)
    # Adding Seprator
    # Adding Exit window Command
    # Cascading filemenu to menubar
    self.menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.filemenu)

    # Creating Edit Menu
    self.editmenu = Menu(self.menubar,font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue",tearoff=0)
    # Adding Cut text Command
    # Adding Copy text Command
    # Adding Paste text command
    # Adding Seprator
    # Adding Undo text Command
    # Cascading editmenu to menubar
    self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=self.editmenu)

    # Creating Help Menu
    self.helpmenu = Menu(self.menubar,font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue",tearoff=0)
    # Adding About Command
    # Cascading helpmenu to menubar
    self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=self.helpmenu)

    # Creating Scrollbar
    scrol_y = Scrollbar(self.root,orient=VERTICAL)
    # Creating Text Area
    self.txtarea = Text(self.root,yscrollcommand=scrol_y.set,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),state="normal",relief=GROOVE)
    # Packing scrollbar to root window
    # Adding Scrollbar to text area
    # Packing Text Area to root window

    # Calling shortcuts funtion

  # Defining settitle function
  def settitle(self):
    # Checking if Filename is not None
    if self.filename:
      # Updating Title as filename
      # Updating Title as Untitled

  # Defining New file Function
  def newfile(self,*args):
    # Clearing the Text Area
    # Updating filename as None
    self.filename = None
    # Calling settitle funtion
    # updating status
    self.status.set("New File Created")

  # Defining Open File Funtion
  def openfile(self,*args):
    # Exception handling
      # Asking for file to open
      self.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(title = "Select file",filetypes = (("All Files","*.*"),("Text Files","*.txt"),("Python Files","*.py")))
      # checking if filename not none
      if self.filename:
        # opening file in readmode
        infile = open(self.filename,"r")
        # Clearing text area
        # Inserting data Line by line into text area
        for line in infile:
        # Closing the file  
        # Calling Set title
        # Updating Status
        self.status.set("Opened Successfully")
    except Exception as e:

  # Defining Save File Funtion
  def savefile(self,*args):
    # Exception handling
      # checking if filename not none
      if self.filename:
        # Reading the data from text area
        data = self.txtarea.get("1.0",END)
        # opening File in write mode
        outfile = open(self.filename,"w")
        # Writing Data into file
        # Closing File
        # Calling Set title
        # Updating Status
        self.status.set("Saved Successfully")
    except Exception as e:

  # Defining Save As File Funtion
  def saveasfile(self,*args):
    # Exception handling
      # Asking for file name and type to save
      untitledfile = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title = "Save file As",defaultextension=".txt",initialfile = "Untitled.txt",filetypes = (("All Files","*.*"),("Text Files","*.txt"),("Python Files","*.py")))
      # Reading the data from text area
      data = self.txtarea.get("1.0",END)
      # opening File in write mode
      outfile = open(untitledfile,"w")
      # Writing Data into file
      # Closing File
      # Updating filename as Untitled
      self.filename = untitledfile
      # Calling Set title
      # Updating Status
      self.status.set("Saved Successfully")
    except Exception as e:

  # Defining Exit Funtion
  def exit(self,*args):
    op = messagebox.askyesno("WARNING","Your Unsaved Data May be Lost!!")
    if op>0:

  # Defining Cut Funtion
  def cut(self,*args):

  # Defining Copy Funtion
  def copy(self,*args):

  # Defining Paste Funtion
  def paste(self,*args):

  # Defining Undo Funtion
  def undo(self,*args):
    # Exception handling
      # checking if filename not none
      if self.filename:
        # Clearing Text Area
        # opening File in read mode
        infile = open(self.filename,"r")
        # Inserting data Line by line into text area
        for line in infile:
        # Closing File
        # Calling Set title
        # Updating Status
        self.status.set("Undone Successfully")
        # Clearing Text Area
        # Updating filename as None
        self.filename = None
        # Calling Set title
        # Updating Status
        self.status.set("Undone Successfully")
    except Exception as e:

  # Defining About Funtion
  def infoabout(self):
    messagebox.showinfo("About Text Editor","A Simple Text Editor\nCreated using Python.")

  # Defining shortcuts Funtion
  def shortcuts(self):
    # Binding Ctrl+n to newfile funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+o to openfile funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+s to savefile funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+a to saveasfile funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+e to exit funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+x to cut funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+c to copy funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+v to paste funtion
    # Binding Ctrl+u to undo funtion

# Creating TK Container
root = Tk()
# Passing Root to TextEditor Class
# Root Window Looping


                  THANK YOU                   


Article By:

Shubham Sagar

For Business Queries:

Code Star, India

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